Self care is the other name for a healthy life!
Heard of self care? Although it sounds fancy, it is a heavy term. Taking care of all your nitty gritties comes within the purview of self care. Badacare is one such knight in the shining armor that endeavors to preach and propagate self care! The story behind the establishment of Badacare. The establishment of Badacare is driven by personal experience. The founder developed Badacare because she saw her parents helping her grandmother Maria with acute Alzheimer's disease for over a decade. At some point she was overburdened with family and works a perfect example of what a family faces when caring for a loved one. To resolve the situation, the family contacted a care provider near our home and found that at their expense the entire process was inefficient and costly. For these reasons, the foundation stone of Badacare was laid with the goal of helping families find competent and reliable online help for the elderly, the sick. Is Badacare trustworthy! ...